Oh yeah, baby.
What…you mean you don’t know what Tuts My Barreh is? Why it’s that popular Mariah Carey track Touch My Body…only pronounced with a heavy Korean accent.
Thanks to the less than perfect pronunciation of a Korean man karaoke-ing to Carey’s hit song, we have an MV that is a guarantee perk-you-up this Friday morning.
To the man in the video: thank you for the laughs. Yes, English is a difficult language to learn especially for non-native speakers. 화이팅!
Oh, and a warning to those under 13…due to the badly mispronounced words, the song is innocently filled with err…adult lyrics. Now that’s not gonna stop you from hitting the play button, is it?
Sigh, you’ve been warned.
OMGOOOOSH!!! that was hilarious!!! i'm STILL laughing!!!
:P good try to the guy...
HAHAHA "rape me in my thigh"?? Wow....I have to give him props for getting the rhythm. (Most of the time.)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... *cries with laughter* That woke me up.
..Dung Woo or whatever u rock !!
It's really hilarious ^^
My best part is "trow me on the bay "
hahahah can't figure out how he managed to make this song interesting !! ...spontaneity î guess
LMAO! Kudos to the guy
for doing this. XDD
Bwaha ha ha ha! To funny!
i can't stop my muscles around my mouth from contracting! hahaha
bwahaha. oh my gosh. but this guy has lots of karaoke videos on youtube right?
i showed this last time to my bf who's a Korean and he couldn't stop laughing..even when the original song is played in the car,as soon as the first few notes have been played,that's it..laughing like crazy.he admires the fella for actually memorizing everything and the tune
omo ... too funny!!!
know you love my cock .. bwahahahaha
thanks for this. it's 4:40 in the morning and i just woke up and laughing to this especially when the camel come out. good to be laughing this early in am.
If English is difficult to learn, what foreign language would actually be not difficult to learn? Korean?lol
Personalaly I find English the least difficult language to learn as a foreign language. Then what's the guy's problem? I don't know lol
Haha, I think I posted up this link on my facebook recently... Love it!! I found it over at the Galaxie blog... :-)
The plankton always gets me! XDD
ROFLOL! Really entertaining! The poor guy.. And I didn't know the lyrics were so... Er.. Adultish!
I felt really bad about laughing because the rational part of my mind knows that he deserves some props for trying...
this was just too funny for words!! And speaking of words, I couldn't even recognise some of those words he was singing!
whooa.. very -- unique ^^ thank's for sharing and kudos to the guy for taking it sooo serious!!
the best laugh I've ever had! like seriously I've never laughed this hard lol
the "camel" (which was supposed to be "camera"), "Gong Li" (gonna leave), "you too" (youtube), "cock" (curves), "Norway" (nowhere), "priest" (breeze) lol just to name a few... I think I'll never be able to listen to this song w/out bursting in laughing =P
but poor guy though (and he actually spelled some words right! it was written "water dessert" but he really said it right; "what I deserve"!)
Holy crap I can't finish watching this. It's 1am in the morning. I'm dying slowly here.
haha.. thats hilarious.. thanks for the entertainment. you made my monday :-)
the song just become the dirty one!
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