Thanks to MTV Asia, Liz and Orchid got VIP passes to the MTV World Stage at Sunway Lagoon on 31 July 2010. Here's Orchid's account of the event.
It was wet, but not so wild at the almost 6-hour long marathon concert. Why not so wild? There were only four acts, namely BUNKFACE, WONDER GIRLS, TOKIO HOTEL and KATY PERRY but the concert ran for six long hours! Due to the rain, there were technical difficulties and it took forever for the crew to set up the stage for each act. They played MTV videos in between the acts, but the intervals just got way too long man. It must have gotten really hot, wet and smelly at the non-VIP area too. Poor concert goers also had to buy expensive mineral water (at RM5 per bottle) and food. Some started queuing to get front and center at noon!
At the VIP and VVIP area, MTV provided free flow of food and drinks so it was at least bearable. They served Korean barbecue chicken sticks (from the Street Cafe), satay, Indonesian fried rice, roti canai (the out of a box kind), soft drinks and dessert. The most useful item provided however, was a cool MTV World Stage plastic poncho that kept most of us dry throughout the rainy evening.
Due to the rain, the giant LCD screen on stage got short-circuited. There wasn't any LCD display when the Wonder Girls came to do their set! Awww....but they bravely performed and not many noticed the technical hiccup at first. However, they had to do their last song - NOBODY again right at the end, when Katy Perry finished her set - for tv recording purposes I assumed. Energy was low and even the MTV VJs had already left the concert (to go to the after party at a club nearby) by then. The crowd that stayed right up to the end however, got a very warm farewell from the lovely Wonder Girls. Sun the leader promised that they will come back to Malaysia for a full-fledged concert soon. Oh yes please!!!
No DSLR's allowed, so all pictures taken on my iPhone.
Venue: Sunway Lagoon - as usual, they drained out the wave pool for us to partayyyy!
@LizKpopped & @chodixxon observing the
long queue outside Sunway Lagoon entrance
@LizKpopped & @chodixxon observing the
long queue outside Sunway Lagoon entrance
Awww....rain rain go away!
Picnic-like atmosphere at the VIP & VVIP areas Free flow of food and drinks! Yay!
@LizKpopped eating, and watching Wonder Girls LIVE!
Can you beat that? (ok nah, she wasn't eating when they came on)
Keeping dry in plastic ponchos - it rained all night...
Katy Perry was the icing on the cake. Everyone got a sugar-high when she came on...
BUY MTV World Stage t-shirts and slippers
at the merchandise tent
Picnic-like atmosphere at the VIP & VVIP areas Free flow of food and drinks! Yay!
@LizKpopped eating, and watching Wonder Girls LIVE!
Can you beat that? (ok nah, she wasn't eating when they came on)
Keeping dry in plastic ponchos - it rained all night...
Katy Perry was the icing on the cake. Everyone got a sugar-high when she came on...
BUY MTV World Stage t-shirts and slippers
at the merchandise tent
What was it like for YOU at the concert? Did you have a good time? Tell us your experience...did you get trampled on? Did you buy expensive food? Did you start queuing at noon? Were you the one who caught Katy Perry's tutu? ;-)
More on MTV World Stage and a full review of Wonder Girls' set coming soon...
More on MTV World Stage and a full review of Wonder Girls' set coming soon...
i queued at 12pm ! my intention was just to see the Wonder Girls(Katy Perry is included)... it took 3 years for me to see Wonder Girls came here to Malaysia since Tell Me debuted... hope they'll come back again... ^^
It was wet but it was awesome! Bunk face was okay but they rock it too..Then when Wonder Girls came on stage, we lost it, our coolness, and were all out fan-girling and singing at the top of our lungs with the fanchants.. Around us, the crowd was very friendly and awesome, when we did the fanchant, they were like "oh two two, ok" and followed the fanchat "Two two!" Then after the loooooooong break and due to the techniacal difficulties, I just had to get out from my area and stay at the back enjoying other acts there but still hyper! Later after Katy Perry had ended the show, the crew announced that Wonder Girls will perform again, we just ran to the front and get into the X-Zone area, so we were very close to the stage~!
The girls were awesome! The concert was awesome despite the long intervals and rain, it was still great especially Wonder Girls and Katy Perry~!!
I'll be waiting you girls(WG) for the concert!
Right when I arrived at the venue, it started drizzle. Then it started to POUR. T-T I left during the end of Tokio Hotel's set. I couldn't bear it anymore. Was exhausted and hungry, lol. I only enjoyed seeing Wonder Girls perform. Hope they'll come here again soon.
Saw you K-popped! girls at the Meet & Greet venue yesterday but didn't say hi. Sorry~ :(
@Sarah Hey...thanks for dropping by to comment. :-) You were at the meet and greet session too? Say hi next time you see us okay? ;-)
The journey to MTV World Stage for me wasn't a pleasant one at all! Got stuck in the massive jam, hard to find parking, petrol light blinking signaling i'm going to run out of petrol! Scary!! But, in the end, managed to find a "parking" spot and head over to the venue! But, I was late due to work, hence I missed Wonder Girls by the time I reached there.
Tokio Hotel really rock!! And like u said, Katy Perry gave us the sugar rush! Both these acts, awesome!! Then, came the icing on the cake, Wonder Girls will be performing one song after Katy Perry!! Couldn't blieve ourselves! Tot we have to youtube them to see how they perform. ;) And Wonder Girls closed the show excellently with their Nobody! cannot get any better! :D
Hi missironic, thanks for sharing your experience. I guess what started out bad turned out to be a good experience after all.
The LCD backdrop malfunction during the rain is actually a blessing in disguise for you :). The WGs had to retake Nobody because of that.
The concert was AWESOME except for the waiting... AND the dummy ppl smoking!! I don't mind people smoking but at a crowded and hot venue? Everyone was really annoyed at this group of boys... ugghhh...
I finally got to see WONDER GIRLS and KATY PERRY TOO!! Daebak... hahaha... I thought my cousin n sis to scream Wonder Girls DAEBAK... I was practically screaming YUBIN and SOHEE like super loud! They are my faves but the others are great too!!
Memorable night! Legs were aching though. came home with super aching and soggy
Was really glad they did a retake cuz I got a SUPER clear view of the girls! Can't wait for them to return^^
Hi Lynn, yeah it was awesome wasn't it? When the Wonder Girls came on. And yes, I totally dug Katy Perry too! Her Peacock song...ha ha ha.
I wanna see your Peacock...cock...cock...cock
Yeah, I noticed some people smoking when it clearly said No Smoking, right? I guess some people just don't understand the rules.
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