Friday, 2 November 2007

Ivy's ex-boyfriend causes trouble

An ex with violent tendencies is bad news and poor Ivy has to deal with one such psycho since the guy, Yoo Mo sshi, is blackmailing the singer with a "homemade video". The nature of the video is unknown.

Apparently, Yoo met Ivy before her 2005 debut and they dated for 2 years. The currently out-of-work model is blackmailing the 25-year-old because he claims she was seeing another man (a popular singer) on the side while they were dating.

Also, it is said that the wacko has been pitching the story of his failed relationship with Ivy to production companies.

Yoo's actions are so damaging to the singer's career that her talent agency, Fantom Entertainment, held a press conference to address the issue today (Nov 2). The company has pressed charges against Yoo.

It seems like they have a solid case against the Ex as they showed photo evidence of the man's violent tendencies:

The threat message:

The cracked windshield of Ivy's car:

A damaged handphone:

Source: Ganjjang & ShenYue
Pics credit: StarNews and Hankooki

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kpop_rub said...

OH wow deuramaaa! I love it. But yeah he sounds crazed O.O Ivy needs to choose her boyfriends more carefully!

Mikeylikesit said...

if he asks for money then he can be charged extortion. Looks like the ex will be buttmates with a large inmate soon...since he'll be the prettiest male model they've seen in a long time.

kpop_rub said...

rocketfuel do you know who he is? Could he be an ugly male model? Lol i have seen a few but I am curious!

pauline hargrave said...

i like your comment ROCKETFUEL....LOL.....i must remember that one...being rich and famous comes with a price...some young lonely stars are preyed on all over the world..they're looking for love in all the wrong places..sometimes where danger lurks.
pauline U.S.A


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