Monday, 7 April 2008

Humvee Transformer

I think this is a homemade robot made by a hardcore Transformers fan using a Bioloid kit (more on that below). Check this little dude out! He dances like Hallyu pop star!

Awesome! Can you make my car do that?

Have you always wanted a pet robot? Better yet, a pet robot programmed by you and you could make it create havoc in your mum's herb garden? Apparently you can create your very own robotic friend using the Bioloid Robotics kit manufactured by South Korean company, Robotis.

Bits and pieces to make your own super robot

At USD$890, you can get the Bioloid "Edutainment" Robotics Comprehensive Kit which includes parts to build up to 26 combinations of creatures, a sensor module that allows sound detection and distance sensing, a DC Servo Module for "300 degress of free motion", a CM-5 module for driving the "Dynamixel" and a CD of software for programming.

Ouch, I think I just fried my brain.

Here, go to these links to find out more if you're interested. I'll just... sit here for a moment.

Robotis Official Website
Robot: The latest in Hobby, Science and Consumer Robotics

Pic Credit: Robot: The latest in Hobby, Science and Consumer Robotics

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

That's totally sick and awesome!


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