Monday, 6 July 2009

CHAW - Korean monster movie

Game for a giant pig flick? I know a few of my guy friends who would love this horror / monster flick.

After the Korean blockbuster The Host (2006), we get another monster flick in the form of Chaw (차우). The movie is directed by Shin Jeong-won and stars Uhm Tae Woong (Devil, Delightful Girl Chun Hyang) and Jung Yumi (Que Sera Sera).

In the peaceful mountain village known as Sameri, the community's chief decides to develop and modernize the village. Chaos and fear starts to grip villagers when a mutilated body is discovered at the development site. Further investigation confirms that the victim was a young girl who was brutally attacked by a cannibalistic giant wild boar. Fearing that this might be a sign, the villagers begs the chief to stop the development project immediately. Community chief is adamant and refuses. Soon CHAW attacks again...

Check out movie stills and trailer after the jump.

Jung Yumi plays a zoologist, while Uhm Tae Woong plays a cop. The two of them are brought together to solve the case of the mysterious killings in the village.

The film was shot in San Francisco and Korea and renown computer graphics specialist Hans Uhlig (The Day After Tomorrow, Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, Star Wars: Episodes 1, 4, & 5) worked on the cgi. I assume if the man worked on the cgi for Sky Captain and Star Wars, you can expect the action scenes and giant boar scenes to be pretty impressive.

There were two other wild boar monster movies before this - if you remembered Razorback (1984) and Hogzilla (2007)! So if you want more of that, you most definitely want to watch Chaw.

According to the official website, the movie opens in South Korea on 15 July 2009. So watch out for the DVD version soon!

Eww...did that hand use to belong to someone?

Uhm Tae Woong looks like he just bumped into one ugly scary beast

On a boar-hunt

Almost forgot, check out the trailer here...

References: Dramabeans, The Shadow Movies

Special thanks to DA for the tip.

Also check out:
South Korean disaster movie Haeundae


Unknown said...

Seriously?! The best idea they could come up with is a man-eating Pumba?!

I'm... speechless...

ashtoh said...

hahaha i like Host better, the concept is much more likable :)

dokebi said...
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dokebi said...

will it be shown in the US like the Host was?


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