Monday, 24 September 2007

Bi endorsing snack food in Shanghai

The recharged Energizer Bunny is unleashed upon us once again. Hooray.

After laying low for three-or-so weeks busying himself with company (Rainy Entertainment) matters, the star jetted to Shanghai on Sept 23 to attend a press conference for his Fu Ma Cake endorsement deal.

I really hope the hairstyle he is currently sporting isn't the new do he promised his fans in Shanghai. The patches of highlights are...distracting.

Bi sheepishly steps onstage because
he just stole Lee Hyo-ri's wig to
his look.

Still tickled about his rug of a hair. Get a grip, boy!

OK, I take it back. Maybe the hair isn't the only
distracting thing. Err, can someone puh-leeze
remove the mic? Why is it pointing at his crotch?

Shocked into silence because of his pageboy
look, Bi encourages his fans to cheer for him.

Hey, isn't that what newly-weds do? Watch out, Energizer Bunny,
the Fu Ma Cake exec really likes you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Fu Ma Cake exec keeps
getting friskier and friskier, doesn't he?

Rain teaches everyone present how to sign off like a superstar.

'And that, folks, is how you write Rain. Some
my writing shows that I'm vain. rhymes.'

Rain shows us the evil eye...oops, that's
just the Sina logo.

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Orchid said...

Hahaha...Liz, your captions for the pics just cracked me up! *lol* So funny.

Bi: Why you got *"mangkuk" hairstyle? (Konon-lah he reads our blog)

I like Bi wearing glasses (off stage) for a change. So cute. But despite the hair, it's good to see Bi in action again.

Fu Ma Cakes? Goodness...i wonder how those cakes taste like.

* Mangkuk means bowl in Malay

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Rain should be VERY afraid of the Fu Ma cake man. He looks attracted to our Korean hunk. * Cheers *

Why must they point microphone to crotch in Shanghai? ;-)

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...oppa, you always look good. So good until that old man taking advantage of you. So scary one. Why don't you hit him?

Anonymous said...

i'm surprised no one's making a big deal over his nerdy glasses. or am i the only who thinks it doesn't suit him, at all?

Anonymous said...

Rain looks like Haha in these pictures.

Orchid said...

Can anyone tell me if those glasses Rain is wearing are for real? I mean does he really needs glasses to aid his vision or are they just for fashion purposes.

Inquinn: I like the glasses for a change of look...the "more intelligent" (nerdy) look. ;-)

Liz said...

Hot guy bringing out his inner nerd? I like. Nerdy glasses rule. :-P

Anonymous said...

I have nerdy glasses...

Liz said...

ACTUALLY, now that you've mentioned it Rooster, we ALL have nerdy glasses.

Yes, K-popped! Trio can look nerdy if they want to. We feel a kinship with Bi now. ;-)

Orchid said...

Hey guys, check out this video of the Fuma Cake press conference toast.

The frisky Fuma Exec wanted to link hands with Bi and drink, but then Bi was just too embarrassed. It's hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha *lol* Bi quickly used his left hand to drink. Funny.


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