Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Love Truly showing on the Phoenix channel

Dear Malaysians, if you missed the Love Truly (or a.k.a Really, Really Like You) run on 8TV (June until August 2007) or just have a burning desire to watch the chemistry between Eugene, Lee Min-ki and Ryoo Jin one more time, you're in luck.

Gleeful trio: (From left) Ryoo Jin, Lee Min-ki and Eugene are delighted that
their drama is being aired for the 2nd time in Malaysia within the same year.

The Phoenix Channel (Astro PHOENIX 312) is currently airing the drama series at 7pm to 8pm from Monday to Friday. Repeats are at 2.15pm the following day. Hmph, it's still dubbed in Mandarin(!) and there's no toggle function for audio and subtitles.

Gosh, I expected better from an Astro channel. Oh yeah, there's only Chinese subtitles...someone at Phoenix-land really, really dislikes me (sic), huh?

Why are we getting the same drama on different channels? Is there a share-a-drama program between the terrestrial and satellite TV stations that we are not aware of?

Ah well, at least this drama is aired on Phoenix after it ended its run on 8TV, but did you know that the Korean drama Marrying a Millionaire starring Ko Soo has been simultaneously showing on Astro PRIMA and TV2?

Come on guys, don't waste time slots like this. You can bring in more dramas if you stop competing for a piece of the K-popped! Malaysian pie this way.

A more effective method would be to air the dramas in its original Korean audio with either the Bahasa Malaysia or English subtitles on to capture the non Chinese-speaking market...and we're growing, I think.

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Anonymous said...

(저는 드라마를) 진짜진짜좋아해!!! ㅋㅋㅋ 민기♥

Anonymous said...

yes i don't understand why 2 stations have to show the same drama at the same time. and worse, astro has shown that drama before! maybe we should write in with suggestions of different and equally interesting stories :)

Liz said...

Heya in`vincible...are you local? If you are then it's good news for you that the drama is playing again on TV :-) I see you like Min-ki ;-)

Inquinn, yeah good idea...we'll see what we can do about the K-dramas being shown locally. If we were to write in, what is the add we should write to?

Anonymous said...

nope... i'm from a neighbor country! but my 'really really' good friend lives in malaysia hahaha~

no no... i don't 'like' minki ~ i LOVE minki c",)/

minki and fly to the sky (+ kim sungje) completes my hallyu fandom!!!

Anonymous said...

i think this drama is actually air from the phoenix station, so that's why everything was done in chinese. i stumbled across it yesterday and it was nice to be able to watch it again as i have missed few episodes. i realised min ki's sub-voice different from the one air in 8tv. in phoenix, his voice was more lowly-manly type. well we can anticipate more from 8tv and hopefullly they will Coffee Prince soon...

Anonymous said...

i think this drama is actually air from the phoenix station, so that's why everything was done in chinese. i stumbled across it yesterday and it was nice to be able to watch it again as i have missed few episodes. i realised min ki's sub-voice different from the one air in 8tv. in phoenix, his voice was more lowly-manly type. well we can anticipate more from 8tv and hopefullly they will air Coffee Prince soon...

Anonymous said...

love this drama. love lee min ki..esp in dalja's spring! =)


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