Thursday, 15 May 2008

U-know & Xiah are Myeongji University ambassadors

'Star' students: From left Xiah Junsu, U-know Yunho,
some important guy from the University, Yoobin and Sungmin.

Yesterday, Orchid wrote about DBSK's (OK TVXQ if you like) Micky checking on his new apartment, which got me curious as to what the other boys are up to.

We know that they will be making an appearance at the 2008 Korean Music Festival this Saturday at the Hollywood Bowl.

But for today (May 15 @ 11am), U-know Yunho and Xiah Junsu are lending their starpower to education.

Say a 'lil prayer: 'Lord, please don't let me
trip on my shoes and fall when I walk
up later. Thank you.'

The pair has been appointed Myeongji University celebrity ambassadors in conjunction with the university's 60th anniversary.

Other celebs appointed include Wonder Girls' Yoobin and Super Junior's Sungmin. They are apparently selected from the university's pool of undergraduates and alumni.

Congratulations on the appointment guys!

Left to right: Sungmin, Xiah, Yoobin and U-know

Represent!: The guys receiving their appointment souvenirs
from "some important guy from the University" :-P

Pics credit: Newsen

Micky's new house


Anonymous said...

oh pleazzzee... are people really that stupid to think that these popular idol stars actually have time to go study? yeah right.. still another one of those image problems that koreans have... it's all about the names and not CREDIBILITY.

Anonymous said...

Are they students at the university n attend class. Such a gimmick to gain popular by both uni n artist. What the rank of this uni. If talk about EWHA or SNU that it means biz. Ok lah. Maybe KyungHee too

Orchid said...

you mean they have not flown to LA yet! Cutting it pretty close huh? When are they leaving? Anyone know?

Joeie said...

Yikes! It's startling to realize that these people are actually... so young!!

Anonymous said...

I can't remember which site it was (I go to too many daily!!!) where one of the readers wrote something along the lines of "NO WAY IN HELL can Yunho and Xiah graduate before ME!!!"

Despite being a hardliner when it comes to TVXQ, I was rolling on the floor laughing because indeed, there is no way for the boys to actually have time to get a degree when even sleep/rest has become a previous commodity.

But nice try on the university part. Nothing like conferring a degree/appointing celebrities to be your ambassadors. If NYU can give one to Bono or WHoopi Goldberg, I guess we shouldn't be surprised here.

Anonymous said...

yah! you guys!
Yunho and Junsu are to be commended for attempting to get a degree!
There is such a thing as distance education nowadays!
"pleazzzee"... it's the 21st century!

and FYI they truly are good students! I have it from good sources.
A lot of "idol stars"/celebrities/performers have earned degrees. The present generation are just following in their footsteps!

Yunho, Junsu, Sungmin & Yoobin are just a few of the "idol stars" that want to get higher education and are actually trying! (e.g. Yamashita Tomohisa [management], Shigeaki Kato [law], Tegoshi Yuya, Gong Yoo [theatre, performing arts], Han Geng, Zhang Liyin, Zhang Ziyi and a whole lot more!)

and if they are trying to "gimmick"
at least they're using their own star students who take lessons from Myongji unlike some other universities I know that hire people to sell themselves.

Besides, Myongji is already really popular and just so you guys know it's one of the top universities in S. Korea.
It provides higher education in fields of engineering, sciences and humanities etc. It has now grown to two campuses (one in downtown Seoul and the other in Yongin, 35km south of Seoul), with 6 colleges (entailing 34 departments and divisions), a graduate school, and 8 specialized postgraduate programs. Graduates of Myong Ji, now 74,000 strong, continue to leave their marks in fields as diverse as Childhood Education to Computer Science, both in Korea and abroad.

there..I've had my say.
I hate it when people say careless things!


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